The Establishment of the Institutes for Advanced Research at Yokohama National University – Background and Aims

Professor and Vice Director of Institute of Advanced Sciences
In Phase 2, from the 2018 academic year to the 2022 academic year, the Institute of Advanced Sciences (IAS) proceeded with research in academic disciplines where Yokohama National University (YNU) is a world leader, taking “Risk Symbiosis” as its core philosophy. By bringing together researchers from within the university and providing research support in a focused manner, the IAS was able to accelerate advanced research. While demonstrating original progress and development in these specialist fields, the IAS is also generating new academic fields through inter-disciplinary fusion, and is creating innovation and value by adopting unprecedented new approaches. Viewed from this perspective, I believe that it is vitally important for the university to take on the role of a place that generates new learning and then disseminates this learning to society.
In Phase 3, starting from the 2023 academic year, the new Institute for Multidisciplinary Sciences (IMS) was established alongside the IAS. The IAS is undertaking world-class research in cutting-edge research fields, while the IMS is bringing together inter-disciplinary researchers from within the university to create new academic fields, in line with the future vision for YNU. The research results are widely disseminated through “YNU Dialogue.” This initiative, which aims to address problems through dialog with society, represents a new experiment by YNU, with the goal of forging collective wisdom.
Professor and Vice Director of Institute of Advanced Sciences